Our school council members are elected by their peers at the beginning of each academic year.
There is the Chair Person, who is voted by all the children in the school and required to prepare a speech. The Chair runs the meetings with the support of Mrs Jones, one of our governors. The current Chair is Noa, ably supported by Punya as Vice Chair
The second main role is the secretary, who records what the council speak about each week, and what we need to do to take action. Charlie is our secretary for 2023-24. We then tell the class about what we have been doing that week and ask for feedback and their opinions.
The Council meets on a regular basis and discusses ways in which the school can be made better. So far, this year, we have asked for a Craft Club to be run at lunchtime where children are enjoying learning to sew and knit and initiated a reading support scheme where older children are invited into the nursery class to read with the little ones. We hope to set up regular litter picks around the village in the Easter term, and are currently working on a fund raising idea with the PFA. Ways to make playtimes safer and more fun are always on the agenda.