Welcome to Reedham EYFS Unit (Squirrel Class)

We are Squirrel class, the practitioners who help us learn are Miss Lucy Curtis (QTS), Mrs Ruth Shepherd, Mrs Josephine Smyth, Miss Juliet Ebbage and Mrs Yellowisha Pluckrose.

Reedham Primary School took over the preschool run on its premises in April 2020. We provide the highest standards of care and education for our children and an invaluable service to our families.

We give all children and their families a warm welcome and provide a safe, stimulating and inviting environment. Our children learn and develop through a range of play opportunities and experiences; supported and motivated by knowledgeable and enthusiastic adults.
We value parents and carers as children’s first and most important educators and strive to work in partnership with parents to ensure the best start for children. 

This year, we have changed our class structure so that all children on their learning journey in the EYFS are together in Squirrel class. 


We help the children to learn through playing, exploring and being active. This means children will take part in a range of fun, practical activities; some of which are adult led, some guided by adults, and some will be child-initiated.


Open for all children from 2 years old to school age

We offer 2,3 and 4 year old funded places, both 15 and 30 hours

We also accept childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare schemes

We are open Monday to Friday 8.45am – 3.30pm with wrap around care options available.

If you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit,

please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Telephone: 01493 700271

Email: office@reedham.norfolk.sch.uk

Starting Nursery

The first day of Early Years education is an exciting milestone in your child’s life. Your child is embarking on a journey that will lead them on many roads of discovery and learning and is the foundation for lifelong learning.

As wonderful as this new experience may be, it can also be quite stressful for families. New situations and change can, at times, be unsettling for all of us. For many children this may be their first experience of separation from parents or care givers at home. It is common for even the most outgoing child to be anxious on the first day away from home. Here are some suggestions for supporting your child. Please remember that our staff will be there every step of your family’s journey to provide support and assistance; making your child’s day a happy one.

  • Prepare your child for the new experience by explaining what to expect. Answer their questions directly and honestly.
  • Be positive! Young children are aware of your feelings. Your enthusiasm will assure them that preschool is a fun and exciting place to be. You will be nervous but try not to show it!
  • Establish a routine involving both the night before as well as morning preparation. Routines will add predictability and are comforting in unfamiliar situations.
  • Bring something from home. This is acceptable and often reassuring in helping children with the initial adjustments away from home. This could be something such as a comforter, special teddy or a photo.
  • Clearly state to your child where you will be and when you will return. It may also be helpful to discuss what will happen when you return.
  • Maintain a clear goodbye routine. This may include a warning to the child that you are leaving in 3 minutes, a kiss and hug or a wave at the window. Once you tell your child that you are leaving, it is important to follow through. Avoid extending goodbyes with “just one more cuddle” as this tends to heighten anxiety rather than relieve it. Avoid sneaking out, as this may make the child less trusting and makes the next time even harder.
  • Although we welcome parents into our setting, their presence can upset all children’s routine and make all children feel wobbly and anxious about their own parents/carers return. Please be aware of this when dropping off and picking up. Again, please know we are here to help make the first day at nursery a happy transition.

If you still have any concerns, please do not hesitate to talk to us. If you need help in planning this transition, please come and talk to a member of staff to support you. We wish your family well and welcome you all to the Reedham Nursery and Primary School family.